Monday, March 21, 2011

The Marvelous Slice of March!

So after my extended hiatus from writing that I oh-so-sincerely apologize for, I have returned to the blogoshpere with a new post concerning the additional moral teachings which can be extracted from The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. What subject overarches the post, you may ask? Sacrifice. "How enticingly ominous," I hope all of you wonderful readers are now pondering in your minds.
     And for all of you who desire newly composed writing as a mandrake desires to be human (I happened to see Pan's Labyrinth over the weekend-¡fue una película muy excelente!), a new slice of creative writing has been added to the "Who Wants a Slice?" section. The piece is actually what was generated in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to compose an admissions writing that worded in at under 300. As you will see when the page opens before you, I felt that the idea in question necesiated additional means to fully bloom in the minds of unsuspecting readers.
     Enjoy, my friends, and may your thoughts be ever-comprhensive!


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